How Interior Designers Mix Metals to Create a Cohesive Whole

Interior Designers

Looking at the latest in design trends, mixing metals has become all the rage. From luxurious gold to industrial chrome, many home interiors are leaning on the power of metals to create a unified, intriguing design scheme. But, as with most trends, it’s easy to overthink, overcompensate, and – ultimately – overdo things. In today’s post, we’re going to look at how the industry’s best interior designers use mixed metals to create a cohesive, aesthetically pleasing design.

Select a primary metal

When deciding to use mixed metals, interior designers must first select a primary metal. Choosing a primary metal allows your designer to build your home’s interior from the ground up, using that metal as a foundation. It is, essentially, the glue that will hold your design together.

Work with your colors

Beyond the addition of mixed metals, your home’s interior design should have a color scheme. The metals that your designer selects need to work with these colors… cool metals with cool colors, warm metals with warm colors, and so forth.

Break the rules

A good designer knows the rules but, more importantly, they know when they can get away with breaking those rules. While you might be using cool metals with a cool color scheme, you can break that scheme with a rich, warm metal to create an eye-catching focal point.

At Flair Interiors, we pride ourselves on staying on top of the latest developments in interior design. Our team of professional designers has years of experience working with clients to create stunning, beautiful interiors that showcase their personalities. If you’ve been considering giving your home a facelift, we encourage you to reach out to us, discuss your ideas, and let us work with you to transform your home into a vibrant reflection of who you are.

Tags: interior designers

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